lauantai 6. heinäkuuta 2019

kv70, Perjantai 5.7.2019

Today at KV70 we woke up to some Norwegian music chosen by Taavi (isonen). Todays theme was the blue bead of calmness. We started off the day with a morning prayer by Cameron (Apu-ope), after raising the flag. In bible study we made Jesus memes. We will continue today with meditation, music group, sauna and the evening program!
Lisan mussukat :)

For coffee we had a division of six people into ''richer'' people, and the rest of us were divided into the more ''poor''people. This gave us a representation of how the world is looking currently with the division between first class people and third world people. It was interesting as it gave us a physical representation of the issue of the world, it really helped to put the whole thing into perspective and made us wonder about how we could and should be equal among all humans.

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