lauantai 20. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Lauantai 20.7. Saturday

Our camp Kv71 is coming to an end soon and we're enjoying our last days here in Partaharju. I asked my pikkuset to write about their feelings about the camp ending.

At first, I was very skeptical and when I got here I missed home home a lot mostly because I didn't have any friends. The first 4 days went by really slow and all I could think about was that I missed home and my friends. But the past 4 days have gone by so fast and I am so sad to be leaving right now. It took me a while to get used to the routines but now that I have, I could stay here for longer with all the amazing people I've met

At first, the time at the camp went quite slow, but suddenly 9 days have already passed. Most of us were douptful of the amazing things said about the camp, but it has certainly lived up to, if not exceeded expectations. While we're all looking forward to the Confirmation Ceremony, we are also dreading the time we will have to say goodbye to the friends we have met.

Coming here I was really scared that I would not make any friends or that I would not fit in but the last 10 days have been amazing and I have met amazing people! Everyone is so nice and understanding and helps each other! This is my second home and I'm gonna miss it so much!

I was kind of scared and anxious about coming here as I didn't know anyone. My doubts however quickly vanished as I met amazing people and understood the classes better. The people here are mazing and I can't believe that in a week I've made better friends than I've ever had in my life. This cap has gone by so quickly and I'm so sad it has to come to end!

The beginning of this camp felt the most boring to me, I counted down each day to make myself feel closer to home. But the last few days has made the count down feel depressing as I don't want to leave. The time I've had here is mind blowing all the friends I've made and memories I've cherished have really this camp live up to my expectations. The many emotions that have been shedded here have really opened up my heart to be much more grateful for the wonderful life that I have lived. Thank you biggies for being so supportive even if we're complete strangers, you have made this place feel like a new home.

I've had so much fun here and met so many amazing people so I'm very sad and feel down that the camp is ending and we'll all have to leave and go home so soon. Since the beginning of the camp every one has been so kind and nice so it's hard to leave now that everyone is getting confirmed and we have to leave the camp.

Thank you to the teachers, apuopet, biggies and the pikkuset for this amazing camp!


Ida's group, Kirkko Lads.

perjantai 19. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Perjantai 19.7. Friday

Eilen 18.7. meidän rippikoulussa tunnit alkoivat jo heti aiheella kuolema. Tunnilla käsiteltiin armokysymyksiä synneistä ja keskusteltiin mitä kuoleman jälkeen tapahtuu.

Positiivisen päivän aloituksen jälkeen meillä oli lounas ja vapaa-aika, jonka jälkeen siirryimme medikseen. Mediksessä pääsimme rentoutumaan. Seuraavana oli vuorossa oppitunti, jossa pääsimme tutustumaan Jeesuksen elämän loppuhetkien tapahtumiin Rebekka oppaanamme.

Tänä aamuna heräsimme Despasiton "sulosointuihin", joista kiitämme suuresti ihania isosiamme. Kun olimme heränneet kunnolla ja paikanneet tärykalvomme menimme aamupalalle, jossa oli monipuolisesti leipää, leipää ja leipää.

Sen jälkeen nostimme lipun salkoon ja päivämme starttasi. Seuraavana vuorossa oli kaikkien "lempiohjelma" eli raamis, jossa pääsimme tällä kertaa oppimaan rakkaudesta.

Jatkoimme samalla aiheella myös oppitunneillamme, jossa pääsimme kyselemään rakkaudesta, mieltämme askarruttaneita kysymyksiä.

torstai 18. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Torstai 18.7. Thursday

Our visitation day started out as a clear day, and in the morning lesson the pupils took a silent walk in the woods and they had to think about the creation of our world. They also had to emphasize themselves to imaginary people and think about their mindsets. During these activities they learned about the lives of different people.

After that we cleaned up the place and the visitors arrived for the visitation day. During the day the campers had a change to show the place around, and we had a Worship Service together. The biggies also demonstrated a typical day at Partaharju. We also played "the penguin game" during our story.

After visitors had left, we were split into three smaller groups and went around the area to do different activities which included indoor and outdoor games, rowing, paddle boarding and the last but not least, frying hamburgers in a thunderstorm. It was a very unique experience, because not many have fried hamburger steaks in the pouring rain and thunder rumbling in the sky.

We ended the night in our classic way, with our evening programme and evening prayer

Kv71, Keskiviikko 17.7. Wednesday

Our confirmation camp

Yesterday was July 16th. It was a warm but slightly cool day in which this camp got a lot of things completed. For example, we went to the holy wine tasting, we learned about life's values, and we practiced our upcoming communion, etc. Furthermore, yesterday we learned about important values and also learned about holy communion.

There was also lots of singing, swimming and rowing during the activities we were doing throughout the day. We discussed about what we value in life and what values are in the Bible and how they are in our daily lives.

Essentially, because we had been learning so much about life values and which ones we found the most important and how the holy communion goes, we decided to relax with friends, take part in recreational activities, we learned about Christian values, relating them to our own, and spent time in prayer.

tiistai 16. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Tiistai 16.7. Tuesday

Yesterday was our third full day here at Partaharju.

On the lesson we talked about The Salvation history, Jesus and the Gospel.

On our free time we played poker and we went rowing.

After our last lesson the boys went to the sauna and sung Maamme-laulu. While the boys were in the sauna the girls played a weird variation of capture the flag.

At the iltaohjelma we finally got to hear the results of the biggie quiz. They were surprising and funny.

maanantai 15. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Maanantai 15.7. Monday

 This was our second full day here. We talked about our relationship with God on our lessons. We had lots of different opinions.

On our free time we went rowing and it was so fun, until the rain forced us in :( During the rain we sat in Partahovi and had bagels and coffee.

Then when the rain passed we head out for our camp olympics. It was the best activity on our camp so far. We really bonded during all the silly games.

After the olympics the biggies did the evening program outside and it was really fun.

After that we had a calming komplis and head back to our rooms to get some well deserved sleep. :)

sunnuntai 14. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Sunnuntai 14.7. Sunday

Yesterday was our first full day here and we had our first lessons. We met new people and made new friends and we learned about what baptism is and how it differs from Confirmation.
We also had the change to go sup boarding and rowing and the girls had the opportunity to go to the sauna and swim. We had some bonding time as we all sang together.
 We had a very fun evening activity in which everyone participated. We sang songs, played games and saw the biggies act. It was a lot of fun.

Today we woke up early to the biggies banging pots together. We started the morning off with a nice breakfast and morning prayer and then met with our bible study groups and learned to find texts from the Bible. We also had a lesson today and learned that the Bible includes 66 books written by different people.

lauantai 13. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71 Lauantai 13.7. Saturday

Yesterday we arrived at the camp around lunch time. After Elise's warm welcome we sprit into three classes which have four biggie groups each.

We played some introduction games and came up with rules for the camp. We all made prayer bracelets and learned about the meaning of the beads in a orienteering activity.

After diner the biggies put on an evening show then we lowered the flag and gathered for an evening prayer. Then we went to sleep. Although we were very tired, we had a very fun day.

This morning we were woken up by the biggies banging on our doors and shouting. After morning prayer we had bible study in our biggie groups where we discussed basic information about the bible. Then we had a lesson with the entire English group where we learned about Christian music.

Kv71 Perjantai 12.7. Friday

Rippikoulun aloituspäivä oli täynnä jännitystä ja uusia kasvoja.
The first day of the camp was full of new people and excitement.

perjantai 12. heinäkuuta 2019

Kv71, Torstai 11.7. Thusday

Partaharju ja Kv71 opettajat ja isoset ovat valmistautuneet rippikoulun alkamiseen.
Partaharju, teachers and biggies has getting ready for coming Confirmation Training Kv71

Tervetuloa! Welcome!